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Sort by Acousticness

What is Acousticness?

Acousticness is a measure that indicates how likely a track is to be acoustic, ranging from 0.0 (not acoustic) to 1.0 (highly acoustic).

Acousticness is a numerical value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 that reflects the confidence level that a track is acoustic. A higher value means that the track contains more acoustic elements like live instruments, minimal electronic processing, and natural sound qualities. The analysis is derived from the audio features of a track, assessing aspects like timbre, tone, and the presence of electronic effects.

Why would you want to sort by Acousticness?

Sorting by acousticness allows you to organize your music based on how natural or electronic it sounds. It helps you quickly find tracks that match a particular vibe, whether you're looking for more organic, instrument-driven songs or those that are more synthetic and electronically produced.

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