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Sort by Genre

What is a music genre?

A music genre is a category that identifies pieces of music as belonging to a shared tradition or set of conventions.

A music genre is a classification system for music that categorizes compositions based on a combination of characteristics such as rhythm, melody, harmony, and instrumentation. This classification can be influenced by cultural, geographical, and social factors, as well as historical development, which results in specific styles like rock, jazz, classical, or hip-hop. Genres help listeners distinguish between different styles and influences, making it easier to identify similar musical patterns and elements.

Why would you want to sort by genre?

Sorting music by genre allows you to organize your music library more efficiently, making it easier to find and play songs that match a specific mood or preference. It also helps in discovering and revisiting music within a particular style, ensuring that you can access a cohesive listening experience without manually curating playlists every time.

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